Garbage and Filth IssuesDear AWCA members: this
is just a small selection of recent pics of garbage and
filth infractions, all in
the past few days. This is unhealth…Read More
Pedestrian Safety
City staff offer the following
regarding pedestrian safety in the Ainslie Wood neighbourhood of Main
Street West.
school review was co…Read More
Autumn AWCA Meetings
The Ainslie Wood Community Association meeting schedule, September
to December
2016. All meetings are held at the
Welcome Week McMaster
Dear Ainslie Wood Community Association members:
Police were part of the community meeting in the lead up to Welcome Week. McMaster pays to have t…Read More
January 9
February 13
March - No Meeting
April 9
May 19 *Tuesday
June 16 *Tuesday
July - No Meeting
August - No Meeting
September 10
October 8
November 12
December - No Meeting
Fortinos Community Room (Upstairs) 1579 Main St West We hope to see you there!