Thursday, November 24, 2016

Please submit your Ainslie Wood Ideas for PBAC

Dear Ainslie Wood Folks:

Below is the link to submit your ideas for the 2016/2017 Ainslie Wood
PBAC projects.  You can submit more than one idea, but each one must be
submitted seperately.

We did very well last year for PBAC funding: especially for our ongoing
large project funding towards a Rec centre/community hub at the former
Prince Philip property .... we now have a cool million towards it.

Canadian Martyrs public school got funding for a new playground, and the
Hebrew School on Dow is funded to upgrade the play ground.  We also
received funding for a traffic study in Ainslie Wood including Main
Street.  These are just a few examples of the projects funded by PBAC
for 2016.

  So, we are doing great here in Ainslie Wood, please keep supporting
our ongoing large project for a Rec centre/community hub, and come up
with other ideas that would improve our Ainslie Wood neighborhood.  Each
person in your household can submit ideas, the more we submit a common
idea, the more likely it will be that idea makes it to the voting ballot.

  Use the link below to submit your ideas online.  Click on Submit
Ideas.  The submitting Idea Phase is open as of today, and it ends on
December 8, 2016. (The  Voting will be from March 20 - April 6, 2017). 
Many thanks!

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