Monday, November 20, 2017

PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING (PBAC) - information on submitting ideas for spending 1.5 million dollars

Dear AWCA Neighbors and Friends:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Ward 1 Participatory Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC).  For the past several years, the Ward 1 Councillor, Aidan Johnson, has asked residents how to spend 1.5 million dollars in Area Rating Funding (funding that can only be used for infrastructure or capital projects).

We invite all residents to help Ward 1 spend 1.5 million on infrastructure with the focus on Environmental Stewardship!  Starting on November 16 through December 14, 2017 we will be accepting ideas.  The categories and criteria for ideas are available on the website at or at submission box locations (Locke Street and Westdale libraries, Ryerson and Dalewood Rec Centres, Union Market at McMaster, Emerson Barbershop and at the Mustard Seed Coop).

A poster is attached with key details on how to participate.

Everyone is invited to attend an open house at McMaster Innovation Park on November 28 from 7 pm to 9 pm.   City staff from various departments will be available to answer questions, and to help residents shape their ideas.  Light refreshment will be available.  A post card to advertising this event is also attached.

If you would like a PBAC Committee Member to speak to a group you belong to, please let us know.   Also, if you have questions, you can contact me at my email address.

For the Ainslie Wood large funding project - All Ages Recreation Centre at Alexander Park - please note this idea proposal under the category:  OTHER

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